Data Analytics is the best solution for analyzing information available and if possible extract tangible information that can formulate conclusions that will be relevant for your company If you want to understand consumer behavior in a category, on how new products will be received or if there is an opportunity in a segment that competitors have not taken a forefront position; TAnalytics will find the data and correct information so that better decisions can be made.
Our solution is complete and can be customized to your objectives:
Get access to data collected on e-commerce websites for products of interest to you.
Funnel Analysis
Brand Adoption Scale
Know or have heard of
Experimented in the last 3 months
Bought in the last 3 months
It is a brand that I usually buy
It is a brand that I buy more frequently
What is the stage of brand adoption?
Method: Funnel Analysis
What scenarios of pricing and packaging generate attraction?
Method: Decision Tree
What is the weight of the package in the choice of a product?
Method: Conjoint Analysis
How is my brand evaluated in the market?
Method: Correspondence Analysis
What is the consumer profile, preferences and spending?
Method: Cluster Segmentation Analysis
Which products are being sold collectively?
Method: Basket Analysis
How can I increase consumer`s average purchase?
Method: Group Data Analysis
My brand is losing/gaining market share from which brand? Cannibalism?
Method: Volumetric
Which is the product that most contributes to invoicing?
Waterfall Graph
How can I optimize my portfolio at the point of sale?
Method: BCG and GE matrixes
Invoicing R$
Gain Loss Total
Data processing
How can I estimate sales?
Method: Regression
How can I measure effects on seasonability and trends.
Method: Temporal Analysis
Which are the characteristics of the product that define the consumer´s preferences?
Method: Factor and Correlation Analysis
Which attributes can be worked on to improve purchasing intention?
Method : Contribution Analysis
Which sensorial attributes can affect the formulation to improve the product?
Method: Penalty Analysis
What days and hours do I have the best flow of transactions?
Graph: Area Graph
HEAT MAPS ? Hours and weekdays
Which days and hours do I have the best invoicing?
Graph: Heat Graph
Data processing
All the projects can be customized for the client with tables, graphs and maps.
What is the consumer talking about my brand on social media?
Method ou Technique ( prefiro o primeiro. Conferir tradução dos métodos pois somente traduzi leteralmente) : Sentiment Analysis
What are the products/services which we can offer to a particular client?
Method: Network Analysis
Which were the words most used in the introduction of a new product?
Method: Text Mining
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